Cameroon Pidgin Bible

by Rev. Dr. Ekoka A. Molindo


Chapter 01 | Chapter 02 | Chapter 03 | Chapter 04 | Chapter 05

Chapter 06 | Chapter 07 | Chapter 08 | Chapter 09 | Chapter 10

Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15

Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20

Chapter 21


Before that big day for passover been reach Jesus be know say. He time for die and for
go meet-up He Papa dong reach. And all the people them way them believe say Jesus be God
He pildn, he no matter for which place for this ground way the day, Jesus like them.
2 For this time satan been dong enter inside the heart for Judas pikin for Simon Iscariot. Satan tell Judas Iscariot make he sell Jesus for the Pharisee them.
3 Jesus been know all Judas he plan them. But Jesus be the glad say, small time He the go for meet-up He Papa way day for heaven. Because na for heaven way He Jesus been day before He been came for this world.
4 When Jesus been finish for chop for table with He disciple them, He remove the big, big Agbada way He been wear'am, He leave the small one, then He wrap towel for He waist.
5 He put water for some big basin, and then He begin for wash the foot for He disciple them, and he wipe them foot with the towel way He been tie for He waist.
6 When he been reach time way Jesus been want for wash Simon Peter he foot, Simon Peter talk for Jesus say, " Master, I no want say make you wash my foot them."
7 Jesus talk for Peter say, " I know say you Peter no know the reason why I the wash owner foot them, but small time go reach way you go understand.
8 Peter still deny, say make Jesu no wash he foot. Jesus talk for Peter say, " See if I no wash your foot, me and you no go be friend again.
9 One time Peter jump for up talk say, " Master, I beg you make you no wash only my foot, wash my head and my hand them too.
10 Jesus talk for Peter say, " Person way, dong wash all he skin, no get for wash again, because say he clean the person get only for wash he foot them."
11 Jesus been know say, some man day for their middle, way go sell he, na the thing make Jesus been talk say, M No be all man way day for here clean."
12 Time way Jesus finish for wash he disciples them foot, Jesus he Agbada back then Jesus talk for them say, " Owner know the meaning for the thing way I just do now ?
13 Owner all the call me say me I be owner teacher, and for talk true, me I be owner teacher.
14 If me I be owner teacher and me I wash owner foot them, that one means say, make ower too wash foot for other people them.
15 The thing way I show owner, na big example way I want say make owner do for other people them.
16 Me, I go tell owner true say, no teacher no big pass he leam-boy them. And messanger no big pass he master for work.
17 Any person way undertsand this talk way I talk and do the thing way I just do, go see better.
18 This talk way I the talk no be for all owner way be my disciple them. Na me I pick owner and I know all owner fine, fine. But some man day for here way want for kill me, but this one go make say the thing way them write for God he book make he be true, because, God he book say, " Person way chop the chop way I cook na this same person the try for kill me."
19 Me I the tell owner this one now because say when the time reach, owner go remember the thing way I been tell owner and owner go know say na me I be God He pikin.
20 I the tell owner true say, any person way welcome the Holy Spirit inside he heart way I go send, that person welcome na me. And any person way welcome me, for inside he heart, na my Papa way he welcome.



21 After way Jesus been dong tell them all this thing them, Jesus He heart no been fine, then Jesus talk for them say, " Some man day for here way the try kill me."
22 The disciples them wonder, them no the person way day for them middle way want for kill Jesus.
23 John way been be the disciple way Jesus be like pass mark, been seat-down for comer Jesus.
24 Simon Peter ask John say, make he ask Jesus, make he tell all man the person way want for kUl he.
25 So I ask Jesus," Master, na who want for do this kind na wicked thing ?
26 Jesus talk for me say, " If you want for know the person, look the man way I go give bread, when I dong put'am inside soup, na that man the want for kill me." Time way Jesus put the bread inside soup, Jesus give the bread for Judas, pikin for Simon Iscariot.
27 Time way Jesus give the bread for Judas, one time, one time satan enter Judas he heart. Then Jesus talk for Judas say, " Thing way you want for do, do quick, quick."
28 No disciple way been seat-down for table be understand the thing way Jesus be the talk.
29 Some disciple them been think say, as na Judas be the keep money, Jesus be the tell Judas say, make he go buy chop, or make he give some money for poor people. The disciple them all no be understand no nothing way be the pass.
30 Time way Jesus finish for talk, Judas Iscariot take the bread way Jesus give he and he go outside and the place been dark, because say night time been dong begin the came.



31 As Judas come-out from room for go out side, Jesus talk say, " Time dong reach way God go show all people say me I be He pikin. And thing way I go do, go make plenty people for believe for God.
32 And small time God go give me He power.
33 Jesus talk for them say, " My small pikin them, the time for me for be with owner dong short plenty, my time for go dong reach. I go tell owner too the same thing way I been tell the big people them for Jew, say, place way I the go no person fit for came there.
34 For now I go give owner some new law, make owner like ownerself as I be like owner.
35 If people them see how owner like ownerself, them go know for true, true say owner be my
disciple them."



36 Simon Peter talk for Jesus say, " Papa na for which place way you the go ? Jesus talk for Peter say, " You no fit came for place way I the go now; but you go follow me after."
37 Peter ask Jesus say, " I want for follow now, now. I even ready for die with you."
38 Jesus talk for peter say, " You be serious say, you ready for die with me ? Peter make I tell you true, say, tomorrow, before man fowl want cry, you go deny me three time."